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Song for Joy – Rolling Papers – Lyrics


When you feel that you’re lost and you can’t take no more
When you know that nothing’s for sure
When you’re chasing dreams that you can’t enjoy
You have to leave all your worries behind

Ref 1: Oh,oh,oh

Str 1:

Trapped in
The same routine
You lost you’re sense of how life should be lived
Good times
You’ve got to live your life happily
Cause you know when you’re not
Not alone in this world
You feel home with the people you love
Enjoy the rain when it’s raining
Enjoy the sun when it’s sunny
Cause life is all about loving

Ref 2: Oh,oh,oh
What a wonderful
It’s such a wonderful
What a wonderful world

Str 2:

Take a break
Let’s celebrate
Live everyday like it will bee your last day
Take your time
To think straight
Embrace the knowlege of a new day
Cause you know when you’re not
Not alone in this world
You feel home with the people you love
Enjoy the rain when it’s raining
Enjoy the sun when it’s sunny
Cause life is all about loving


When you feel that you’re lost and you can’t take no more
When you know that nothing’s for sure
When you’re chasing dreams that you can’t enjoy
You have to leave all your worries behind

Ref 2: Oh,oh,oh
What a wonderful world
It’s such a wonderful world
What a wonderful world

Simply Life – Rolling Papers – Lyrics

Cigarettes and broken dreams
In a world that’s not what it seems
Ask yourself
Where do we go now?
Feeling happy,feeling sad
You just need to look ahead
Ask yourself
Where do we go now?

Where do we go?
Where do we go?
Where do we go?
Where do we go now?

Thousand rainbows in the sky
Every thought is flying high
Ask yourself
Where do we go now?
Chasing love and butterflyes
Always seeking in your eyes
Ask yourself
Where do we go now?

Where do we go?
Where do we go?
Where do we go?
Where do we go now?

Pofta de viata – Rolling Papers – Lyrics

Str 1:

Ma trezesc dimineata,beau cafeaua in pat
Ma gandesc la probleme nu stiu ce sa fac ,da da
Am un plan bine stabilit
Mananc,ma-mbrac in graba si-apoi am pornit

Incotro s-o apuc
N-am timp de pierdut
Viata e prea scurta pentr-un nou inceput
Viata e un puzzle ,un joc de noroc
Traieste-o din plin, nu sta pe loc


Cu pofta de viata
De dimineata
Te-ai saturat lasa tot si pleaca
De dimineata
Cu pofta de viata
Cu soarele-n fata pornesc spre o noua zi din viata

Str 2:

Ma simt naiv, adolescent miop,
Sunt pregatit sa ies pe usa, lume, faceti loc.
E planu-n aplicare, e o noua zi din viata
Cafeaua e-n sistem, simt ca pot face fata.

Ma-ncrunt cand ploua, zambesc la soare
Problemele-s pe foaie, cu tot cu rezolvare
Imi rulez fericirea,un alt gen de traire,
Dau “share”, te iau cu mine spre altfel de gandire


Pofta de viata,
Zile pe val
Cand valu’ o ia la vale,
Lasa-te purtat
Pofta de viata,
Cand noptile’s lungi,
Nu e line de finish,
Lasa, poti sa uiti!

Pofta de viata,
Cand noptile’s pline,
Nu iti mai fa griji,
Suntem toti cu tine
Zile pe val
Si nopti cat mai pline
E pofta de viata,
Sa vedem cat ne tzine


Pofta de viata
De dimineata
Te-ai saturat lasa tot si pleaca
De dimineata
Cu pofta de viata
Cu soarele-n fata pornesc spre o noua zi din viata

In the summer – Rolling Papers – Lyrics

When you get up in the morning

And you feel a little lonely

In the summer, in the summer

You got to put yourself together

Step outside and feel the weather

In the summer, in the summer

When you get up in the morning

And you feel a little lonely

In the summer, in the summer

When the sun outside is shining

Just get high and keep on smiling

In the summer, in the summer




When you feel a little lazy

And everything around is crazy

In the summer, in the summer

When the sun outside is shining

Just get high and keep on smiling

In the summer, in the summer

When you feel a little lazy

And everything around is crazy

In the summer, in the summer

You got to put yourself together

Step outside and feel the weather

In the summer, in the summer



Moon is brighter in the night

Just feel free enjoy the ride

Life is happy in greener colors

High on life till late late hours

Heart so cold – Rolling Papers – Lyrics

Str 1: Lost
I feel that I’m lost
From where I’m standing here
Now I can see so clear
That you’re the one,the only one
Who makes me smile when all around falls apart
You know in my heart
There is a special place
That craves for your embrace
I wish that you could feel the same way

Ref: Blood is rushing through my veins
Everytime I call your name
It seems all in vain
Cause all I want is to feel your love
I just want it even more
But your heart’s so cold

Str 2: Smile
Your beautiful smile
Could make my world go round
If you could stick around
Cause you’re the one,the only one
Who gives me hope when everything is falling down
I need to know
Is that a yes or no
You got to tell me though
Cause if you love me so I really need to know

Feeling blue – Rolling Papers – Lyrics

A new day tomorrow
Wonder weather you’re still gone
Oh you
Everytime that I held you
I felt alive

Everything that I do
It remainds me of you
And I’m feeling so blue
It’s because of you

My heart is still in sorrow
And you’re always on my mind
Oh you
Everything that I told you
Was not a lie

Everything that I do
It remainds me of you
And I’m feeling so blue
It’s because of you

Everything that I do
It remainds me of you
And I’m feeling so blue
It’s because of you

Doar cu tine – Rolling Papers – Lyrics

Str 1:
Fie soare, fie nori lumea mea e in culori
Cu tine, doar cu tine
Cand te vad ma trec fiori, nu am aer parca zbor
Cu tine, doar cu tine
Fie pace sau razboi, am incredere in noi
Doar cu tine
Fie cer fie pamant, am facut un legamant
Da doar cu tine

Zambetul e tot ce-ti cer
Alungi norii de pe cer
Pentru tine fac orice
N-am sa renunt la dragoste

Str 2:
Fie noapte, fie zi inima s-ar repezi
Spre tine, doar spre tine
Ca o ploaie in desert insetat eu te astept
Pe tine,doar pe tine
Fie pace sau razboi, am incredere in noi
Doar cu tine
Fie cer fie pamant, am facut un legamant
Da doar cu tine

Str 1:Te-am vazut,mi-ai placut
Filmul clasic din trecut
O sa doara…
Mi-a spus inima,vreau sa uit
Tot ce-a fost in trecut
O sa dispara…

De-ai putea sa iubesti,sa ma faci sa traiesc,
De-ai putea sa-mi faci loc chiar in inima ta,
De-ai putea,
Daca ai putea…

Ref: Da,asa e dragostea
Nu stii ce va urma
Asa ca fa ceva!
Va fi mereu in urma ta
Asa e dragostea
Si daca ai putea
Deschide-ti inima
Pentru ca asa e dragostea

Str 2:M-ai vazut,m-ai placut
Sufletul mi s-a umplut
De fericire…
Chiar de-i greu,iubesc mereu
Doar cu tine ma simt eu
Numai cu tine…

Numai noi si apoi viata-ntreaga in doi
Amintiri si iubiri,zile calde, trairi
Daca ai vrea
Daca ai putea







Asa e Dragostea – Rolling Papers – Lyrics

Str 1:Te-am vazut,mi-ai placut
Filmul clasic din trecut
O sa doara…
Mi-a spus inima,vreau sa uit
Tot ce-a fost in trecut
O sa dispara…

De-ai putea sa iubesti,sa ma faci sa traiesc,
De-ai putea sa-mi faci loc chiar in inima ta,
De-ai putea,
Daca ai putea…

Ref: Da,asa e dragostea
Nu stii ce va urma
Asa ca fa ceva!
Va fi mereu in urma ta
Asa e dragostea
Si daca ai putea
Deschide-ti inima
Pentru ca asa e dragostea

Str 2:M-ai vazut,m-ai placut
Sufletul mi s-a umplut
De fericire…
Chiar de-i greu,iubesc mereu
Doar cu tine ma simt eu
Numai cu tine…

Numai noi si apoi viata-ntreaga in doi
Amintiri si iubiri,zile calde, trairi
Daca ai vrea
Daca ai putea







Rolling Papers live // True Voice

Joi, 25 ianuarie, Beluga găzduiește un show dublu – concert Rolling Papersși True Voice, show-ul vocilor care au ceva de spus și cântat :). Rolling Papers sunt o trupă tânără în peisajul muzical românesc ce abordează un gen muzical special în România- Synth Pop Rock. De abia așteptăm!

Continuăm petrecerea și ieșim la #karaoke cu band, cântăm hiturile care nu ne dau pace nici la duș și bem cele mai delicioase shoturi sa ne facem curaj. Santha Eduard si True Band vor fi de partea curajului 🙂
Info & Rezervări: 0727.488.087.
Suport artiști – 20 ron
După concert, intrarea la True Voice este liberă.